Day 1: A Heart Flooded With Light (Ephesians 1)
CONTEXT: Why I'm doing this
Last Friday - January 14, 2022, I was watching this video of a prophet being interviewed. The interview was published on January 8, 2022. This prophet, Mike Thompson, was saying that we are currently in a two-month portal. The veil is thin, and that in February, heaven "will launch."
Whatever heaven will launch, Mike does not specifically elaborate. But he did say that it is best if the Body of Christ prepared for it. Long story short, he encouraged everybody to spend 30 minutes daily to spend time with God with the following as his suggested format:
- 5 minutes of Worship
- 10 minutes of Praying in the Spirit (I prefer singing in the spirit)
- 10 minutes to read and meditate one chapter a day starting from Ephesians, followed by Philippians, and then Colossians (do this until the end of February)
- 5 minutes to pray and listen to anything that God would reveal
I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope to those he called - his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. Ephesians 1:18
Ephesians 1 is a very rich chapter. I almost highlighted the whole chapter because of that. If I wanted to share how I felt about every beautiful verse, I would probably be all over the place. So my heart zoned in on verse 18.
I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light.
The verse in itself is full of colorful words as St. Paul tries his best to make the Ephesians clearly understand what he is asking God for - to flood their hearts with light. Why? Because there is darkness there. And when there is darkness, there are some truths that are unknown.
Only darkness needs to be flooded with light. The unknown needs to be known.
Ephesians 1 starts off very powerfully by St. Paul establishing that even before God created the world, He already loved us and chose us.
Unfortunately, many people do not know this. As the world has bombarded us with so many messages, most of them deceptive and completely contrary to what The Word says, people developed a completely distorted image of themselves.
I remember a dear friend telling me that I needed to embrace my darkness. "I'm comfortable with my darkness," she said. "I embrace it, I tell it - 'you can stay, I can handle you.'" It blew my mind at that moment, thinking - wow she really is so comfortable with who she is. But knowing what I know now, I knew that even that was a distorted image of who she was. This friend of mine has a very beautiful soul. But just like many of us, the enemy threw deception after deception at her leading her to believe that the best way to move forward with her life is to "embrace her darkness" because it is what it is.
To an extent, I understand why she said that. But now I wish I could have this conversation with her again and tell her that it doesn't have to end there.
St. Paul prays, "I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light *so that*..."
There is a reason why our hearts need to be flooded with light. The reason is, "so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called.
We have confident hope. Again, Paul's semantics shows us that there is this excitement and perhaps a bit of desperation on his part for people to grasp what he is praying for. He wants us to know that we can hope, and not just hope, but confidently hope because we are His holy people!
We are HIS. This is our identity.
We don't have to "embrace our darkness" because Christ has given us His light. And with Christ there is hope.
Two years into this pandemic, many have already probably given up hope for things to be better. Accept the New Normal, they said. We will need booster after booster to survive, they said. So just embrace it, they said.
To this, I say "No." There is hope in Christ.
Prayer: Lord, I pray for those who have completely lost sight of who they are in Christ because of the many troubles and deceptions that have been thrown at them. I pray that their hearts will be flooded with light, so bright that it scatters the darkness from before their path. So bright that wherever they go, their light will shine on others' darkness and dispel them too. I pray that they will understand that because of who we are in You, we can confidently hope for great things to come. Unlock the darkness from our hearts. Kick them out, Lord, and fill it with Your light. Seal Your light in our hearts with Your most Holy and precious blood. May it always remind us of who we are in You. Adopted, chosen, loved. Amen.
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