First, teach me to obey...

I've had it in my heart for a long time now to come up with a blog where I can write about my journey with God and how I am slowly learning to submit my life to Him.

However the key words there are "I've had it in my heart for a long time now..."

I know I didn't just make-up the desire out of nowhere. I know that this was planted in my heart by something or Someone greater than I. But I delayed it...

...too many things to do.
...would anyone even read it?
...the world is going to judge me for this.

The world is going to judge me for this.

One excuse, after another. But mostly, I was afraid.

Let's face it, in this day and age, Christianity has lost its "popularity" and being more "open-minded" and "accepting of the times" nowadays is preferred. Old moral values have been set aside for the new ones, and we are taught to be more accepting of these changes because of the New Millennium.

But this really isn't about that. This is about me, trying to to stop making excuses and finally choosing to obey Him.

So here I am, Lord. I started this blog. You even gave me the URL.

Papa Do Preach. 

My father is a minister. And a great one at that. But for most of my adolescent life and up until the early stages of my adult life, I resented that. I thought that being branded as the "Minister's Kid" would hinder me from enjoying all those "fun" things in life. So I ran away from the label. I ran far away from it and did things that would not associate me to my dad and his beautiful calling.

Of course I know now that the more I run away from God, the more I expose myself to the attacks of the enemy. Like many of my sisters and brothers in Christ, I learned the hard way.

So now, I am heeding Your call. Teach me Your ways so that I can be a light to those surrounding me and to those who will reach this blog. I don't know how this blog will run its course as I am just taking this one post at a time, waiting for the leading of the Holy Spirit.

I just know these two things:

1.I need to learn surrender and obedience to our one true King.
2. He must increase, I must decrease.

It is exciting knowing that the things that I will be writing moving forward would be through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

"Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith." - Hebrews 12:1-2


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