#SoakingSeason2018 PART 3: The Sermon (and the Chickens) at the Mount
A few things once again before starting with Part 3:
1. Here's the BACKSTORY of #SoakingSeason2018.
2. Here's PART 1.
3. Here's PART 2.
The Chickens of Manaling
There's something about the people of Manaling and their chickens. Now for all of us city kids, it's quite special for us when we are served native chicken. For them, it is normal. I found a lot of chickens and their cute little chicks roaming freely when I was there. In fact, because of this fascination we have with the abundance and availability of free-range chickens in their area, they've come up with quite a few jokes about it.
I even listed them down:
1. "Kung ang Mang Inasal, may unli rice, ang Manaling mayroong unli chicken!"
(If Mang Inasal restaurant offers unlimited rice, Manaling offers unlimited chicken.)
2. "If pigado season na gani sa Manaling, manok among kan-on. Pero kung abono gani, makaon kami ya sang sardinas kag delata."
(During lean seasons, that's all we ever eat - chickens. But in seasons of abundance, we eat sardines and canned goods.)
This is particularly ironic because it is the opposite for us city kids. When I heard this, I made a mental note to bring canned goods when I return. Fr.Jun even responded with "Tell me if it's lean season so I will visit often!"
3. "Kapag may umakyat na pari, may mamamatay na manok!"
(Whenever a priest comes up, a chicken dies!) This is because they know how people from town love native chicken. The people of Manaling are also generally hospitable and generous, and it is their pride and joy to serve guests their best.
Pastor Max would share these jokes lightheartedly but it's not without its share of sad stories. One such story was about Darwin and his beloved pet chicken. Darwin is the third son of Pastor Max and among all his kids, he was the one who had an attachment to them.
He grew up with them, raised them, fed them, treated them as if they were his playmates. One particular lean season, Fr. Jun showed up in Manaling unannounced. I guess during those times they were eating mostly vegetables because they were trying to raise more chickens to sell to the local market.
When Pastor Max saw Fr. Jun arrive, he knew he had to sacrifice one of his chickens so that he can have something special to serve him. He called Darwin and told him to bring his "alaga"(pet/ favorite chicken) because they were going to slaughter it for dinner and serve it to Fr. Jun.
Darwin was still very young at this time and he was attached to this particular chicken. He looked at Pastor Max with pain in his eyes and said no at first. Feeling like they really shouldn't do that since he came unannounced, Fr. Jun told them that it was not necessary and he'd be okay to not eat native chicken during this trip. But Pastor Max insisted, "No, you are our guest. And because you are our guest, we should always serve you the best that we have."
Fr. Jun watched silently as Darwin's eyes suddenly brimmed with tears, feeling defeated, knowing that his pet was nearing the end of its life. Before getting the chicken, he asked his dad for a favor.
"Pwede ako lang mapatay sa iya, pa?" Can I be the one to slaughter him, please?
It broke Fr. Jun's heart knowing that his presence was the cause of little Darwin's despair that evening. That he loved his chicken so much, he didn't even want anyone else to slaughter it except himself.
At the dinner table, Darwin sat beside Fr. Jun crying. He only had rice on his plate and nothing else. Fr. Jun himself didn't have his usual appetite. He felt so unworthy to partake of a meal that came from something Darwin loved with his life. But he knew that not eating it would only add insult to injury. Darwin already sacrificed and slaughtered his beloved chicken so Fr. Jun can have it for dinner, and for him to not eat it would make his sacrifice futile.
Who would have thought that in his feeling of unworthiness at the dinner table, God would send him a message.
"Jun, that is how I felt when I had to sacrifice my one and only Son for you so that mankind would be saved. No one was worthy of my precious Son's life. No one ever will be. But that was the price of sin. In dying, He conquered death. This is how I love you. Remember that feeling of being unworthy. And see the meal placed before you. Partake of it. It is a gift. You are loved."
Who would have thought that a story about livestock would eventually end up as a comparison to God's perfect gift of salvation? I sure didn't. But at this point in my retreat, I was just ready to receive it all. The stories, the chickens, and everything in between.
The Home of Pastor Max and the Sermon at the Mount
While Fr. Jun and I were climbing earlier, both of us had no idea where we will be staying for the night. We did not want to intrude or impose on anyone, and padre said that we can always just sleep at the church. I was okay with that, though I had no idea how extremely cold that was gonna get had we in deed stayed there.
On our way to the church (and right before my 7th fall), we passed by Pastor Max' area and we saw that they had built a new house. His wife, Ate Jonah, waved at us from the house and told us in a Manaling-appropriate shout that Pastor Max was not home but he left instructions to tell us that we were sleeping with them that evening.
They were quite proud of their new home, compared to the old one right behind it which Ate Jonah said was already creaky and was right about ready to fall.
Two things were certain to me while I was there:
1. No fasting was going to take place because they already slaughtered three chickens in my honor. (I am deeply sorry, Darwin. Please do not hate me.)
2. I was going to have a very interesting bathing experience.
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Dinner was extra special because they served fish. |
I was knocked out by 8:30PM.
I woke up at around 5AM feeling well rested. As I mentioned in Part 2, Fr. Jun laid hands on my twisted ankle the night before and when I woke up, there was no pain at all and it was as if that fall never happened. Praise God.
Coffee and corn was already set on the table and I had some before I took a walk by the fields to pray and just enjoy the scenery.
Finally at around 7, I was so ready to take a bath.
I won't get into details but Devine, the daughter of Pastor Max, had to accompany me inside the shed that was their makeshift bathroom. Her sole role was to make sure that the tarps covering the shed would not fly away and, uhm, expose me to the chickens and the cows, while I was taking a bath. It was a bit nerve wrecking at first, but the need to clean up for church was stronger than my need for privacy so I just went for it, in the most decent way possible that I could. Pastor Max would later joke that he promises me the next time I come back he would have a bathroom just for me.
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Where my most memorable bath happened. |
Moving on.
I felt severely under-dressed for church. Since I was going to climb up again, I knew I had to wear something that would make the climb easy for me so I was in leggings, a Garments of Praise shirt and my running shoes. Lo and behold when I arrived, everyone was wearing their Sunday's best. Some of the girls were even wearing dresses and doll shoes and all I could think about was "How did they climb up in that lovely outfit?"
That's Manaling for you.
The service was wonderful and God's presence was highly felt all throughout. Their praise and worship songs were Karay-a versions of classic songs so I just sang them in English and it was a beautiful worship experience.
He posted the question, "Who is sitting in the throne of your heart? Is it you, or is it God?"
Here are a few notes:
1. Seek His Kingdom, and His righteousness. NOT your righteousness or your version of righteousness.
2. If there is a Kingdom, there is a KING. Establish the rule of God in your life.
3. When you seek God first, His blessings will seek you.
4. Jeremiah 29:13-14 "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you home again to your own land."
5. God is interested in us, He is ready to listen to us. We only need to come close.
Before the service ended, Fr. Jun said that God had a message for some of us and he wanted us to come to the front so he can confirm it with us. I was seated beside Devine and I saw that she was crying so I ushered her to the front. A few of the people also went but I returned to my seat thinking that God had already showed me everything there was to show during that trip.
How small-minded was I?
"This is not everyone yet. You know who you are, come up front," Fr. Jun repeated. So I told myself, what have I got to lose if I just went there with them.
Sure enough when it was my turn, Fr. Jun was all giddy and smiling. "I've been dying to tell you this since last night. The Lord has a beautiful message for you and He knows you will understand what He means by it. He said: THIS TIME, YOU WILL NOT FAIL."
This time, you will not fail.
These words resounded in my ears like the beating of a hundred drums. Remember when I said in PART 2 that my love language was "Words of Assurance?" Despite everything that He had showed me at that point, I still had my doubts. And despite all my doubts, He still found a way to reassure me.
I was just reflecting on those words when all of a sudden, I heard my name being called by Bro. Alex who was supposed to be giving the "closing remarks" of the service. I looked up and he repeated what he said, that they all wanted to hear my testimony and reason for being in Manaling.
What?? No. I don't think I can do that. I'm not sure I am ready to share. Why am I being put on the spot?
These thoughts were racing through my head as my body went on autopilot, stood up and slowly approached the pulpit.
"I wasn't ready for this," I started. And then somehow I just shot up a quick prayer to God saying that whatever happens here, let me give glory to You.
Then I remembered stories in the bible about the leper, the demon possessed, the sick, the lame...every time they thanked Jesus, He would always respond, "Go and tell them what the Lord has done for you."
So I did. In the most generic, vaguest way possible. Without giving away too many details. Except for the following:
1. That being a bishop's daughter does not guarantee that you will not have a "Wilderness Experience."
2. That being a Christian, wonderful and amazing as it may be most of the time, is not an easy journey.
3. That dying to self is painful but worth it.
4. That I no longer want to put down my cross and rest for a bit, I want to learn to carry it all the days of my life until I am face to face with Him.
5. That my prayer now is, "Lord, if it is not your plan for me, take it away. I no longer want to spend time, effort, money, emotions,etc. on things, projects, plans that are not according to Your will and purposes for my life. Teach me to delight and walk in Your ways. No matter the cost."
I sure did not come up with those words on my own. They were true, but I did not realize that I could have the boldness to say it and admit it in front of at least 5 familiar faces and 20 unfamiliar ones.
Well, I did say that I wanted to carry my cross, and if part of that meant having to share my story to them, then so be it.
People brought in food from their homes and we all had lunch together after the service. Earlier, I told Fr. Jun that I wanted to meet with the Youth of Manaling. I did not want to just keep taking from them, I also wanted to give.
So we found a shady spot a few meters behind the church where we had a short Bible study. It ended with us establishing a prayer partner system for them where they'd meet with their prayer partners after Sunday service so they can lift each other up in prayer and help each other out with their Christian walk.
My Mt. Sinai experience was complete. Until today, I continue to be grateful for all the things that He has showed and done for me up there.
I will also be forever grateful to Pastor Max for opening his home to me and for offering me their best while I was with them. Join me in praying that God will bless them a hundred fold return.
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The ever smiling Pastor Max |
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The lovely view while I brushed my teeth. |
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The dining table that always had food for us.
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Because one "goodbye" is never enough. |
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With Shem, and the famous Darwin beside Padre |
I smiled and said, "You know what, I just might. Hopefully I won't be the only one next time."
To be continued.
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