Jesus and John the Baptist: Birth, Purpose, & Death

On the morning of December 24, 2020, I suddenly had the urge to compare the lives of Jesus and John the Baptist. It's more of parallelism actually, rather than a comparison. Our scripture readings this week have been bouncing from Jesus' to John's births, and so as the Spirit led, I wrote on my devotional notebook. It's not really a typical Christmas devotion, and I admit this is still kind of inspired by my dad's death, but I hope some of you will still find value in this. So here it is. 

Jesus died at 33. 
John the Baptist died in his late twenties to early thirties. 

Both died young. 
As people on Facebook would normally say when someone this age dies, "Gone too soon." 

According to the world's standards, it's easy to say and conclude that they really did leave the world so soon. You and I could easily conclude that too if we did not trust God. But because we trust God, even when we do not understand, we can always be sure of the fact that God is never mistaken. 

Therefore, Jesus and John dying at the age they died was not a mistake. It was all carefully planned, in fact, everything from their birth to death was perfectly planned. 

Both births were prophesied. Both earthly fathers were informed by Archangel Gabriel. Both mothers conceived miraculously - one as a virgin and one as an elderly and barren woman. 

Both purposes were also clear and foretold before they were born. One was "The voice who cries out," and the other "The Word that became flesh."

In the two recorded accounts in the Bible where the two met, supernatural things happen. The first was when both were still in the wombs of their mothers. Baby John leaped with joy inside Elizabeth's belly as Mary visited her, pregnant with Jesus. 

The second time would be when John the Baptist baptized Jesus and everyone who were present clearly heard the voice of the Father saying: "This is My Beloved Son, with Whom I am greatly pleased." 

John was born so he could prepare the way for The Messiah. 
Jesus was born so that the gift of salvation would be complete. 

Both died physical deaths after accomplishing what they were both sent on earth to do. Both left this earth in what people would say, their "prime years." Was it a mistake? No. Their earthly missions were complete. Their purposes have been accomplished. 

As we celebrate Christmas, let's put weight on the line, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season." Jesus, together with John the Baptist and many others did their parts in order for us to have a reason to celebrate Christmas. 

At the end of their earthly lives, both died horrible deaths. John was beheaded in prison, while Jesus was crucified as a criminal. 

But were their purposes accomplished? Yes, accomplished so beautifully that here we are more than 2,000 years later, still talking about their births, purpose, and deaths, year after year. 

They said that there are two important dates in a person's life: the day they are born, and the day they discover why. 

Jesus and John TB knew the answers to both of these things. 

May this Christmas season inspire us to find our purpose and fulfill our destiny so that when we leave this earth, we can truly say that we have accomplished the reason why we were born. 

Merry Christmas, fam. 


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