5 Ways to Keep Your Daily Devotions Exciting (Originally Posted on Youthnited CEC Ph FB)
How many of you struggle in being consistent with your Daily Devotions? I’m sure all of us struggled with this. Perhaps some of you are even struggling with it right now. I recently asked some youth why they find it hard to read the Bible on a daily basis. Here were some of the answers:
“It’s difficult to understand.”
“It gets boring.”
“I get too busy.”
I myself have said those same things before I became truly consistent with my own Daily Devotions. It took a lot of prodding from the Holy Spirit and even a few painful experiences along the way before I decided that reading the Bible truly was going to be an essential part of my day - as essential as drinking water or breathing.
This is the first thing that we need to do – change our mindset about it. Many see their Daily Devos as a chore or something to tick off on a to-do list. This will make it really difficult in the long run. What we need to see is that reading the Bible feeds our spirit. And if we feed our physical bodies daily, our spirits need daily feeding too.
1 Peter 2:2 says, “Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.” Let’s not allow our spirits to starve! So here are 5 ways to keep your daily devotions exciting. We pray that this will help you be consistent with it!
If you can add to this list, please feel free to write them on the comments section.
1. Be intentional in choosing a Bible that is perfect for you.
(Hardcopies are highly recommended!)
There is a perfect Bible for every person. There are Study Bibles, Youth Bibles, Amplified Bibles, Journal Bibles, Bibles in all sizes, shapes, and colors. And yes, we mean the Bibles that you can hold, flip pages through, write notes on and highlight verses with your favorite markers.
There are different versions/translations as well for every reader. Most youths find it difficult to understand the New King James Version (which we use mostly in ICCEC). But for your personal daily devotion, try to find the translation that is easy for you to meditate on and understand. One way you can try and find out the best translation for you is by going to www.biblehub.com and compare different translations of your favorite scripture.
Bible Apps are okay for when you need to check on the go. But let’s be honest, reading the Bible on our phones simply opens us to a lot of distractions. Since we use the phone for communicating, entertainment, social media, and games, the “atmosphere” for a quiet time with the Lord is not quite right when you read on an app. On a budget? Then apps are okay. But pray for it. Your own personal Bible is like your own personal weapon. It will accompany you through the different seasons of your life. Seeing all the different highlights and notes on them will always be a good memory for specific times in your life to look back on.
2. Get Artsy! Scrapbooking, Doodling, Calligraphy, Poetry - they are all forms of Scripture meditation
You don’t need to overwhelm yourself daily. Sometimes on your personal devo, God will make you meditate on just one verse. Focus on one verse that really speaks to you for that day. Make art that is inspired by it. There are scrapbook kits, journals, markers, and all sorts of fun things that you can use to make them. In the process of creating it, you are actually already meditating on The Word.
I knew someone who was inspired to cook after she read Matthew 5:13 - “You are the salt of the earth.”
Understanding the Bible is not limited to simply reading it. There are many creative ways to meditate on scripture. Our God is the Ultimate Creative, and if we were made in His image and likeness, then for sure we can be creative with our daily devotions too.
3. Do a deep dive, as the Spirit leads.
Sometimes, God will push you and challenge you to do a deep dive on a certain reading. Do not resist it! You didn’t understand something? Ask questions! Write down your question and ask a shepherd to clarify that for you. There are also interesting Bible Commentaries online that can help you understand a certain passage better.
Perhaps you can also check its history and context. For example, ask questions like - “Whose wedding at Cana was that and why were Jesus and His disciples invited?” Be curious. There are plenty of gems there for you to discover.
Many kids nowadays overthink so many things. Try overthinking the Bible and perhaps God will reveal to you something that will really pique your interest.
Jeremiah 33:3 says ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ God adores those who have seeking hearts. And He is not a boring God! He is just waiting for you to discover more of Him through His word.
4. Sing! Sing a worship song and sing in the Spirit.
Many worship songs are inspired by scripture. Whenever I read certain chapters in Psalms, I automatically recognize songs that were inspired by those verses. When your reading for that day reminds you of a worship song, chances are, the Holy Spirit placed that song in your heart!
So start singing it. Worship God after your readings. It further allows you to meditate on His Word, and this time through song. And when the song ends, don’t leave right away. Stay for a while. Bask in His presence. Sing in the Spirit. This intimate way of worship connects you to God in the most beautiful way. It allows your heart to beat as one with the Father who always longs to spend time with you.
5. Have Devo Buddies!
It’s also fun learning the Word of God with friends! For example, you and your buddies can decide that for this particular month, you will all have the same readings. This way, you can ask them questions about parts you don’t understand, and you can also share your revelations.
You can have artwork projects together inspired by certain scriptures that jumped out to you, make worship playlists together, and just overall fellowship and enjoy God’s word with one another. They can also serve as your accountability partners for when you feel that your devo life is slowly slipping away.
The people who will enjoy doing this with you are people who will help you grow closer to the Lord. Keep them in your life.
Proverbs 13:20 goes, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
(This article will serve as some sort of prequel for my next series of write-ups on how I developed or am developing certain spiritual disciplines.)
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