DAY 3: You are Loved Extravagantly (Ephesians 3)
January 19, 2022 - 9:00AM
Worship Song: Oh Lord You're Beautiful - Live by Jesus Culture, When I Think About The Lord - Live by Jason Breland
Reading: Ephesians 3
I don't think we all understand just how extravagantly God loves us.
Chapter 3 of Ephesians is sprinkled with verses that point to this truth, and then it concludes with our chosen verse for today wherein St. Paul tries his best to use words to describe just how much.
Let me start with scripture first and then I will share with you two short stories about two mothers.
In Ephesians 3:6, Paul excitedly reveals to us the mysterious plan of God. He even goes on to say in verse 7 that he has been given the privilege of sharing this fantastic news. And what was this amazing plan?
The plan was for Gentiles and Jews *who believe the Good News* to share *equally* in the riches inherited by God's children. That both are part of the same body, and both enjoy the promises of blessings because they belong to Jesus Christ.
So why is this a big deal? In this article Alyssa Howard, goes deep into it but let me put here an excerpt:
Since the days of Abraham, the Jews alone were God's people. Yes, there were some Gentiles who chose to recognize the God of Israel as their God, but they were viewed as second-class. Jesus changed the game, He offered salvation to all people...equally.
In Day 2 of my Ephesians devotion, I share about how we were once outsiders before Christ died on the cross. These Gentiles represent us. The best earthly description that I can think of is when an illegitimate child is finally adopted into a family and now carries the last name of the father who adopted him. He is now a legal child that receives all the benefits that a legitimate child has.
What would motivate such an act like this? Only Extravagant Love.
In verse 12, Paul also shares that because of Christ, and *our faith in Him,* we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence. The NKJV version would say that we have "boldness and can access with confidence through faith in Him."
Part of that Mysterious Plan is to give us access to Him and everything that heaven offers to both the Jews and the Gentiles. But he didn't just say that we have access, he says that we can come boldly and with confidence! Not hesitantly. Not as an outcast. But as a child whose second nature is to know that he can come to his Father and his Father will be ready to hear him out.
What can give us that boldness and confidence? Only knowing that we are Extravagantly Loved.
SO DO WE KNOW IT? Do we have even just an inkling of just how much God loves us?
A Tale of Two Mothers
I share here the stories of two mothers who didn't quite grasp this yet until the Lord prompted me to minister to them. Yes, me. Single, Childless. Significantly years their junior. (See, God never discriminates.)
The Mother Who Thought She Was Not Allowed in Church
One night, the Holy Spirit prompted me to visit a mentor. I felt an urgency to share Christ's love for him because I knew in my spirit that he only had a short time left on earth. I didn't come strongly with the word, and even then there was resistance. But by His grace, I ended up praying for him and he ended up sobbing like a little child. But this is not about him. This is about his live-in partner, who was silently listening and observing us.
After I prayed for my mentor, his partner called me and said, "You know, I take two (or three) jeepney rides to work. And one of my stops is always at a church. I always wanted to go. Do you think I can go?" I was a bit puzzled by the question so I said, "Of course! Why did you think you couldn't?" And then my heart just went to her when she said, "Because we are not married. And I have kids with another man. I don't deserve to be in church."
She felt like a Gentile who could only be from the outside looking in, with no access to what God's children have access to. So I told her about John 3:17 that Jesus came here not to condemn the world but to save the world. And that yes, the church is a house full of broken people who know that they need the grace of God. And that absolutely yes, she should go to church and in fact, she can also pray, and God will listen.
We all have these little misconceptions in our heads as a result of people's prejudices and self-righteousness. Sometimes I feel like I can hear God say, "Please exclude me from that narrative."
The Mother Who Thought It Was Selfish to Pray for Her Needs
I was talking to a colleague about the crazy things that were going on around us. I think we were talking about prayers, and I was encouraging her to bring up these concerns to God. And then she said, "But I think they're petty compared to what God is dealing with right now." She then continued that ever since she was a little child, she always felt selfish for praying for her needs. So she just wouldn't ask but pray for others instead and just be grateful for what she has.
While this statement sounded noble and truly humble, I suddenly burst out with the verse, "But miss, God said that we should come boldly into the throne room of grace!" This was inspired by teaching that I heard from my dad and so I continued to say, "Do you know that God cares about the little things about you? The small inconsequential things that we think a Big God would not care about. And if He does care about those things, then how much more for your needs? Do not hesitate! Bring it up! You have not because you ask not."
(This is no longer verbatim because this was a long time ago.)
When I said these words, I just saw her face change like there was a light bulb moment there. I felt The Word (not my words but The Word) empower her and assure her that she can come to the Father and ask for whatever she needed. She can! And oh my did she! To this day I still hear praise reports of how God beautifully supplies for her and her family's needs - including her wants! I am always amazed and I even tease her that she always has the most ridiculous provision stories. Because God didn't just provide for her needs, but also blessed her with wants - wants that she thought were petty but God saw as important.
God's love is big. There is more than enough space in there for all of us. And His love is personal. His love knows you by your name. His love knows your favorite food. His love knows that your child badly needs the grace of God. His love knows your inner thoughts and never dismisses any of them as insignificant.
His love is not one-size-fits-all -- but boy does it fit all of us and more!
Prayer based on Ephesians 3:16-19: Father God, I pray for everyone you will reach with this message. May your extravagant love flood their hearts with light, may it be so real and tangible in their lives that it overwhelms them. I pray that from your glorious, *unlimited resources*, you will strengthen their inner man through your Holy Spirit. I pray that Christ will make His home in their hearts as they continue to trust in Him. I pray that their roots will grow down into God's love and keep them strong. And Lord, even just a glimpse, may You give us the power to understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep Your love is. May we experience the love of Christ, even though we will never fully grasp and understand just how extravagant it is. We pray that this makes us feel complete, with all the fullness of life and power that can only come from You, God. Amen.
If you want to keep reading, here is a personal testimony of how God showed me His extravagant love. I pray that it ministers to you and that it blesses you.
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